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In with the Old

How do you picture loved ones passed? Do you remember a stiff, awkward smile in a photo on the wall of their house, or do you remember the smell of the cookies baking in Grandma's oven, the steady hands of Grandpa showing you how to reel in the line, or swinging under the live oak at your Great Aunt Sue's? Why is that family photography has gotten away from the personalities, the memories, and the good times, and instead focuses on the "just smile" of all those dressed in matching attire, standing somewhere that is indeed beautiful, but not somewhere they often visit? Our walls are adorned with the foam goatee on my 5-year-old's face while he takes a bath, pretending to be Daddy; the scorned, "why did you do this to me?" face of our almost one-year-old as he was sat on oh-so-prickly grass for the first time; the discovery of oceanic vibrations when our 4-year-old first listened intently to a conch shell; our 13-year-old with his 3-year-old brother on his lap at the water park, after big brother helped little brother face his fears and conquer the enclosed water slide. Memories made are what makes our house a home... the love, bonding, and laughter of brothers, the fleeting moments with extended family, and the adventures that both wore us out and illuminated our souls. The pictures we keep are the ones that hold value to us, not in how much they cost to have done and framed, but in the sacredness of life frozen in time. Besides, in our house, we love to laugh, and looking at past photos and talking about them is a sure way to get us going! I encourage you to consider throwing out the newer idea of what family photography is supposed to be. Embrace the excitement, the in-between moments, and the "I can't believe that just happened" memory makers. Soon, we will start booking family Sensational Shoots. I hope these to be the most fun that families (of all sizes and walks of life) have ever had while having photos done. I desire to share the fondness of keeping memories and loved ones alive long after the moments leave us physically, and to inspire deep belly laughs, unprompted hugs and high-fives, and vibrant, family-focused artwork on the walls of the houses we have grown to call homes. There will be special sensory Sensational Shoots for those will varying disabilities, and many options for families to choose from. It'll be a messy, wacky, and exciting adventure the family will talk about for years! In addition, we offer family shoots as you envision it. We would love to capture you reading to your children, y'all in focus at waterside awaiting a bite, in front of the 65 Shelby that belonged to Uncle Dave, or in the kitchen baking Great Grandma's cookies with family. Capturing memory moments is a joy and a blessing! To God be the Glory, Veronica Roberts

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